The main fears of the novice photographer and how to overcome them

So, are you a budding photographer who dreams of having your masterpieces seen by the whole world? We can assure you that it will definitely happen! However, to make it happen, you need to conquer the fears that can prevent you from succeeding. In today’s article, we will tell you what fears are most often faced by beginner photographers, and how to successfully overcome them. And if you want to learn about other interesting things, such as point slinger for cameras, visit Skylum’s blog!

The most common fears are divided into:

  • technical;
  • psychological;
  • personal.

Let’s talk in detail about each of them.

Fear of switching from “auto” mode on your camera

Choosing a good camera is only half of the job. Many beginning photographers think they can only shoot in auto mode because that’s where the best settings are. While auto mode can make things easier, it doesn’t allow you to get the most out of your camera. It can be compared to buying a new smartphone from which you only make calls.

Also, turning off auto mode will give you a chance to learn a lot more about photography in general. You can experiment with exposure, brightness, ISO, and other functions and, as a consequence, you’ll know what settings you need to set in any given case.

Fear of getting close to the object

Modern technology makes it possible to shoot subjects from afar. This is a great option if you want to shoot animals or birds in the wild, for example, but in some cases, your photos will lack soul. We’re talking about people. If you only shoot them from afar, you won’t see any of the important details that show off the beauty of a nice photo.

Feeling the need to be “safe” with your compositions

This is one of the most common mistakes even experienced photographers make. It means keeping your camera in as safe a place as possible: away from puddles or bushes where water droplets can get on it, etc. Protecting your equipment from damage is the right thing to do, but sometimes risk can lead to unimaginably great results. To protect your equipment, you can use special accessories, such as camera slingers. They will allow your camera to have the longest possible life.

Think editing software is too complicated

If you use photo editing apps correctly, it will only be an advantage. That doesn’t mean you have to spend hours editing each photo. Sometimes just changing the white balance or cropping the picture is enough. But if you give up editing completely, you’re depriving your photos of the opportunity to go to the next level.

Here is a list of the most popular photo editing apps:

  • Luminar Neo;
  • Adobe Lightroom;
  • Photoshop Express Photo Editor.

This list is far from complete. It doesn’t mean that you can only use these applications. Sometimes among the new apps, you can find ones that will suit you much better.

Another myth is that it is difficult to edit photos. To make basic changes, just watch a few video tutorials on YouTube or read special guides.

Fear of straying from the canon

In any profession or hobby, it’s great to have people you admire and can use for inspiration to improve your work. But where this can have a negative effect is when you are enthralled or even confused by other more experienced photographers. Naturally, you try to be like your idol, but even if his work fascinates you, don’t be afraid to do the exact contrary. Perhaps it will be your picture that will become a real masterpiece that will be admired by the audience.

Fear of negative comments

Remember that several people’s tastes can differ dramatically. What you like may not appeal to other viewers, and vice versa. If you get a subjective opinion, it doesn’t mean your work is done poorly. Of course, this does not mean that you should ignore constructive criticism if it is given by professionals because they can tell you a lot of exciting and useful things.

Social networks are where we most often share pictures and can get feedback. Unfortunately, unlike picture galleries, anyone can enter there and leave a comment. If this bothers you, take a break. When your armor becomes impenetrable, you can safely return to social networks.

Closing thoughts

When you’re just starting your journey into photography, this is the most exciting time. Taking pictures hasn’t become a chore for you yet, so all you have to do is put all your fears aside and move forward. Remember, it’s you who builds your life, so be brave and you can do it all!

Remember that in addition to the camera, there are also accessories for it. They are very useful because they extend the life of your equipment. We suggest you read about the point slinger for cameras on Skylum’s blog. There you will find not only camera sling reviews, but also many other useful things that will help not only beginners but also experienced photographers.

About PagalNew

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